This is a restaurant you would see on "The Profit" or "Bar Rescue" please save yourself the anguish. We had a party from a business meeting. The server made it a point to tell us, "I have 50 other checks so no problem" when he assumed my check was split, very rude to start the night. When my colleague, his wife and children didn't even get their order taken let alone there food arrived at the END of EVERYONE eating including myself after the rattlesnake they brought our was cold & the Chipotle sauce they initially forgot to bring out with the plate looks like it was sitting all day, DISGUSTING! After talking with "Tom" a so called manager of the restaurant, after his egotistical conversation with me I couldn't even finish telling him what happened and he went off to replace my food and still others didn't even have their dinner over 1 hour being in the restaurant. They ended up cancelling their dinner after being irritated and loss of appetite from the unprofessional & down right rude service from the server and now the manager. His excuse to me was "I wasn't there to see it so I can't say what happened" EXCUSE ME? So you won't take responsibility for your employees actions, not even an apology or offer to rush their food or compliment them with something? His ending conversation as the food was coming out over an hour late that we cancelled was, " No problem, we will take the food and eat it in the back no problem" My colleague ended up taking his family somewhere else to eat after the group finished eating. Tom, please get off your high horse, learn how to listen to your customers who have built businesses beyond your recognition and take constructive criticism because your business will fail with that attitude. I feel bad the owner doesn't know how his business is being run. Please get it together for the sake of your business.