So long story short my hairstylist broke her arm and I needed to find someone to touch up my roots and even out my hair because it had grown out longer on one side. I called Hottie Hair Salon and I was directed to Tony. He set me up for an appointment that following weekend. I was so excited I had a few days till my birthday and I was going to look awesome! After my appointment was finished I went home and just cried. It was the worst experience of my life and it left me chopped hair and grey highlights!
I was scheduled for a 3pm color and cut. He asked me if I wanted to come in earlier and I was at first elated. For I had worked a 3am- 11am shift so I was already exhausted. I arrived at 1 and met Tony, who seemed nice, he then sat me down and tried to convince me that I needed so much more than what I did. He wanted to charge me $240 for random stuff that was not what I talked with him before about. I told him only to do what I asked him to do. He started putting highlights in my hair to touch up my roots and even out the color. I have a golden blonde hair and didn't want to change the color. HE PUT PLATINUM BLONDE HIGHLIGHTS IN MY HAIR! I was so upset, although he calmed me down saying the toner he will put in afterward would even out my hair and make it look natural. Believing him would be my worst mistake. When the highlights were finished he left a toner on my hair that turned it a horrendous champagne blonde that turned grey in the light. I was so upset I wanted to cry. He didn't even give me a chance to explain to him that I was upset, because he was sitting on the couch in the front the whole time on his phone. I did not see him the whole time I was waiting for my hair to process.
Unfortunately I made the decision to stay and let him cut my hair. He trimmed the bottoms nicely and I actually liked the cut. Until I asked him to add a little more layers in my hair to make it have more volume. Tony's definition of layers is to separate the hair at the crown, bring the entire top section up and literally cut it perfectly even. It left my hair with half of it shoulder length and then the rest of it ear length. I looked like I was given a bowl cut by my mother and she never finished!!
I gave him the money and left. In the car I just cried but I was too exhausted to go in there and put up a fight. I absolutely despise the haircut I was given and after a month it still has not evened out yet. Thanks to Tony I cant straighten or let my hair down. It is always up in a ponytail.
DO NOT GO HERE. This salon is not people friendly nor worth your money!