One of my favorite stops while in Charlotte. An actual retro gaming store that deals in just retro games. Imagine that?
Save Point was our 2nd retro stop of the day and things were about to start looking up. 1st thing when you walk in the door you some odd looking arcade machines? Why are they odd looking? Because they're from Japan. They're designed so you can sit down and enjoy your game. In addition there was a head to head unit that had a street fighter type game so you and your opponent could right in real time on the same machine. It was really cool.
Once we moved Beyond the arcade games you'll come across several rows of classic arcade content. NES, SNES and N64. Sega Master and Genesis, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox 1 & 360, and more. In the back there was a case that had some higher dollar items in it. That's where I found my 1st big catch of the day.
In the display case there was a very nice selection of big ticket N64 games. I honestly could have ended my vacation right then and there and just emptied this place out. However I practiced some restraint and just picked up a Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask with the holographic sticker and a few of other minor carts. Prices were decent to good.
I'll definitely be visiting here again next time I'm in Charlotte.