| - This was AWFUL!!! Everything the other reviewer said was true. It was completely unorganized from beginning to end. The worst part was that it was so hard to get anything to eat or drink, because the lines were so long. Vendors ran out of food well before 3, and the event was scheduled to run 'til 4. Very limited seating, or even enough tall tables to stand and eat. It was a hot day and there was no shade, and no bottles of water until the very end - which seems like a liability when you're serving alcohol.
The choices were meager for both food and drinks. There was no way that 30 restaurants were respresented. The wines offered were cheap varieties you would find at the grocery store - I'm talking Beringer, people. Thirty vineyards is a blatant lie - it was the same crappy wines at each stand... and the lines for a small sample, my goodness! Nowhere in the advertisements did it say a limit of 8 alcohol samples - although, I ended up leaving with two unused sample coupons on my bracelet because it just wasn't worth the hassle.
I overhead one couple say it is pretty sad when the best food option is Rubio's...have to agree. I can't believe I left this event hot, thirsty, and hungry (yes, hungry!!). Six hours later and I am still pissed I spent over $50 for my ticket. We all deserve a refund. A fair price, for what was available, would have been 10 bucks, and it still wouldn't have been worth all the trouble. Tempe has its work cut out for them if they plan on doing this annually. I will stick with "Devour", in PHX.