| - First of all, let me preface this review by saying I enjoy shopping at Big Lots all over the country and have never encountered an employee anywhere else like Lynn S., a man who emanates misogyny and contempt consistent with an off the rails postal employee or spree killer. He was simply pissed off to be alive it seemed and argued with me about the rewards card, coupons on my cell phone "THAT MUST BE PRINTED OUT" and REFUSED to double bag my items as I requested, claiming that "They don't break unless you tear them." As he's saying that he's tearing each bag just enough to make climbing 3 flights of stairs hellish.
I get being tired, I work in a customer service field but this was insane. I wish I had it on video. I push my basket up to the register after standing in the other line for 5 minutes, he rolls his eyes, sneers and says, "We thank you for overspending this evening, does your husband know you're spending his money?" I replied that I'm the one with the money and I don't need his permission and Lynn, I don't give a shit what you think about anything. If my husband was here you would have been punched for talking down to me. He has the market cornered on talking to me like a mentally impaired 5 year old.
I told him to STFU and check me out or get someone on their meds to do it. Then he continually bitches remarking, "You really looked hard to find items w/o bar codes to ruin my day didn't you? I replied no, but if I knew I would encounter such a pleasant professional, I would have gotten up early today, and made it my focus to hatch a plan to ruin your day, it's all about you big guy.
I bought a quesadilla maker and waffle maker for gifts otherwise I would have walked out and made a scene. People like Lynn S. are the reason I don't carry a concealed hand gun.
I like the shopping center, it has just about everything I need in one trip but I'll never shop in this store again if he works there.