Decided that as a 23 year old female it was time to finally invest in makeup and possibly some lessons. Was very excited to learn that they offer free 15 minute lessons on whatever you're interested in learning! So I asked to learn how to do natural eye makeup. Should have known right away that the girls at this store were the wrong people to ask. Almost all of these girls look like clowns with all their makeup! Heavy eye liner, insane contour lines and the most intense lipsticks I've ever seen. The girl helping me gave some good advice when it came to the eye shadow- only I would use a LOT less, still I got the idea. It was the eye liner that went downhill, she probably covered at LEAST a third of my lid with the darkest heaviest eye liner. I was so embarrassed when I left the store because of how heavy the makeup was.
However, in the end after talking to several girls on their opinions for shadow, lipstick and liner I managed to leave with decent products. But I did end up having to learn how to apply the makeup from YouTube tutorials.