I had an awful experience with this salon. I trusted Colleen with my hair for 3+ years. I recently booked an appointment with her to lighten my shoulder length hair, when I went in for my appointment she handed me over to her assistant and I trusted in her judgement to do so as she would be monitoring the process. 3 hours later and my hair was completely turned to spaghetti- almost the entire front portion was fried off 5-6 inches leaving pieces only 3 inches long (basically I had bangs starting from the middle of my head with additional pieces in the back completely fried off). Colleen tried to comb it and it all started falling out, she put a leave in conditioner on it and nervously ushered me out of the salon with my hair still wet! When I got back to my car I realized how damaged it was and immediately returned to the salon expressing my concern. Colleen told me it would be fine and just to go home and put coconut oil in for the next few days. Coconut oil could not even begin to salvage the damage that was done.
I text her back the following week and told her that my hair was gummy and still falling out and that the bleach had also burned my scalp. Colleen didn't even respond.
I then decided to contact the salon manager even though I know that the stylists are independent contractors, I wasn't sure what else to do.
The salon manager told me "it sounds like if Colleen didn't respond to you then there's nothing more she felt she could do." WOW. Perhaps offering me a treatment or my money back would have been an appropriate start? Shameful. I will never again give my money to this salon.