| - Sadly, my wife and I attended last night's wine and art exhibit.
We arrived to see a roped off area in the hallway outside the Art Exhibit. A small walkway had been left for those smart enough not to have ponied up the $30 plus per person to be served 3 very un-tasty wines. A red, a Brut, and a Chardonnay.
We have had much better free wine tastings at Trader Joe's and a couple of liquor outlets here in town. On top of that, these free tastings also had cheese, crackers or nuts and chips to nosh on whilst you were sampling those free wines. Last time, Trader's offered 5 different wines, and the liquor store offered 4.
The wine tasting started at 5 pm, and the exhibit did not open till 7pm? Well, there was a long period of wine sipping on an empty stomach before being herded into the exhibit hall and being allowed to crowd around 3 separate paintings. My wife in vertically challenged, and did not want to have to push her way through a crowd of wined up aficionados, to get a glimpse of the image as it was being talked about.
We walked away with a bitter taste in our mouths from the bad wine and the old style vegas treatment of people like cattle.
Wallace Eastman