I was excited when I entered and saw that the bakery was stocked with all my favorites, I saw budda cookies and black n whites I chose, small cheese cake cup, two eclairs one Napoleon, one carrot cake cup cake, and two Kiser rolls.
SADLY the Neapolitan filling was way overwhelmingly thick and the filo was so soft and wet like Yuck!!! No crisp in the pasty shell layers at all SOGGY ! The eclair shells were fair the chocolate on top was good but the filling (again) unrecognizable as eclair filling. Odd!! The carrot cake was great!! The cheese cake had a weird taste to it, texture was a mix between NY and French silk cheesecake but it WAS NOT NY cheese cake. The Kiser's were good but didn't have the same taste as NY Kiser! I will buy the Kiser again because you cannot really find a hard roll anywhere in AZ. The service was blah! No NY in the service AT ALL!!!!! In fact it was BLAH like they were doing me a favor by getting the order filled no personality at all and absolutely NO NY CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL!!! Sad because I had lots and lot of dollars I wanted to spend there, sharing the NY Pastries with friends who haven't had the pleasure! Unfortunately they don't represent!
My kid went to NYC this week bringing back som mozzarella and rainbow cookies!!!! Woo hoo!!!