I've been here few times before and after the remodel. The reason - primarily ease of not having to deal with the ft. couch or the mall traffic. However, the recent upgrades is a major plus in choosing this theater.
So, why the 3 star you say? Service.. Customer Service
I know we're here to watch a movie but the movie theater experience really begins from the Counter. I'm sure most of them working behind the counter are nice and seemed nice but it only takes one personnel to ruin the entire experience. In our case, it was a gentleman (and I use that term very loosely) who were serving us our snacks and drinks. Since we were in a group of 10 and few of them hadn't shown up yet - we bought a combination of the pop corn and a drink (pop cup) for all 10 at once. However, one of our member did not want the pop - so I went back to see if I could exchange it (the unused coke cup) for a coffee instead. He looked annoyed and rudely replied that he could give me a refund for the cup and that I could buy the coffee again. I said okay and bought the coffee instead. I asked him to include couple sugar packs and a creamer as well. As I was heading to my seat - I noticed he forgot to add the creamer/milk. So, I went back to the counter to ask for a creamer - which he rudely replied that I didn't ask for one in the first place. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and just apologized even though did ask for a creamer. I understand it was a Christmas Morning and if I were him - I'd rather be spending time with the family than work but still it doesn't take much to be nice.
I'm sure I'll be back again and hopefully that individual working at the counter will not be having such a bad day.