Good luck trying to get a hold of anyone at this office. Besides listening to a machine that has a bagillion options for you to press 1 for this, 2 for that you always end up getting a voicemail.
They "can't" tell you the contracted price for procedures when every other office I called would tell me, even though they are the ones who contract the price with your insurance provider.
They sent me paperwork that said arrive 30 min early to complete all paperwork ; I arrived 15 min early and there was zero additional paperwork. Then they didn't call me back until 48 minutes after my scheduled appointment time for a simple doctors visit. Please do not tell me to come 30 min early when you've already sent me all the paperwork to fill out and then call me back 48 min after my appointment. They should say if you don't want to fill out this paperwork ahead of time then come in 30 min early - but if you fill it out then just be on time.
I'm not one to leave negative reviews, particularly for doctors/doctors offices. But this place did not appear THE LEAST BIT understaffed yet they only pick up the phone 1 out of 8 times I called. And after leaving one voicemail day 1, one voicemail on day 2 and then by the end of day 3 they still hadn't called me back about a simple referral. It's RIDICULOUS!
The doctor I met with was fine, I got what I needed from him and he was fine examining me. But it was sort of odd that the whole time I talked to him his back was facing me because he was typing on the computer; he couldn't turn to look at me while we had a conversation.