| - So, I'm searching the yellowpages and Craigslist for someone to come and repair my home heating boiler. I find an ad that touts professional, free estimate, and prompt service. I call the number and the nice lady says "there's a $95 service charge" to which I reply "the add says free estimate". She proceeds to tell me that there are a lot of shady ads on Craigslist. (Really? Who takes the time to load a full ad with company graphics and all to spoof a company their not work with...oh, and you have to confirm the ad by email). So she says they will send there boiler specialist out. 6 hrs later, the guy shows...he looks at the boiler, says "yep, it's not reading your thermostat, Imma need to go back to the shop and get the book for this one. I'll be back tomorrow." Yeah well tomorrow never comes. 5 days later and 6 phone calls, I finally get in touch with the "operations manager" who tells me that he got the message, but it was his day of and know, it was his day off". He then proceeds to quote me a price that exceeds what I paid to have the boiler installed.
Beware the bait and switch pricing and poor customer service!