DO NOT I repeat DO NOT purchase from this store. I purchased a Sears Kenmore dryer from this store on March 12th. Did not want to pay $85 to $90 dollars for delivery so we decided to pick the dryer up the next day. On March 13 we rented a truck ($40.00) picked up the dryer and all was good. Used the dryer during the day on Friday and by Friday night the dryer stopped working. Called the Sears Outlet store on N Val Vista Dr in Gilbert, AZ and they said we needed to call repair. Called repair, was on hold 30 min and decided to try online chat. Reached an online representative who was just awful. The only appointment I could get was on the 24 of March. I asked if I could be put on a cancellation list, shE responded "we don't have a cancelation list". At this point I am so frustrated I just took the March 24 appointment. March 24th came and no one came.
I called repair and they said my appointment is on the 27th. I became angry explained my conversation in the repair chat and he said all he could do was put me on a cancelation list. Now it has been 10 days since we were last able to use the dryer and suddenly there is a cancelation list. Yes please put me on the cancelation list. I explained I was told there was no cancelation list and the supervisor I am now speaking with says only supervisors can can put customers on a cancelation list. Wow then maybe she should have told me to call and I could have spoken to a supervisor. Fine we wait 3 more days.
8am on the 27th the repair man comes and states the motor is bad and a fan was bad. He had the motor on his truck but not the fan. He needs to order the fan and rescheduled for April 10th. This will make 29 days without the dryer. At this point we call the store to find out what they will do. The person who answered the phone said well you should have bought the protection plan. We said This a less than 30 day purchase what does that have to do with it. She said the owners policy is you have to deal with repair. I am so over it.
I call corporate file a complaint have very nice case workers but because the rules for the outlet stores are different than a regular store the have to talk to the store. I get a call back from sear customer solutions and they leave a message and tell me the dryer has to break down 4 times in one year and in order to authorize a return, and since the dryer has only had 1 service issue they can't authorize a return.
Monday I called customer solutions and spoke to a very nice agent who listened to my question which was "Why will this store not honor there own return policy which is a 30 day return policy"? The agent will call me back after she calls the store. Got a message later that day and was told that the store was not answering their phone. In my mind I realize this store is playing a game and will make the time expire so I am stuck with this crappy dryer.
I am so sick of hearing "I understand, I would be frustrated too. It is starting to sound like a script. No one has even asked what can they do for me. It is always what their going to do. With this experience I will never buy anything at Sear again. By the way I was a Sears girl all the way down to my sewing machine and car repair. I AM OVER IT!
April 8, 2014 repair came and said the mount is off and would need to order the part. He rescheduled the appointment for for April 11' 2014.
Received a message today April 9th and the message said to call repair back. After work I called repair and got some idiot. I entered in all necessary phone prompts and was finally transferred to a repair person. She said how can I help you. I said I am returning your call. She said OK. The she said how can I help you? I said I am returning your call. She then said how can I help you. I said what part of I am returning your fxxxing call don't you understand. I then said transfer me to a supervisor. She said I can't transfer you until you give me some information. At this point I am so angry I said I am giving you nothing. Transfer me to a supervisor which she would not do so I hung up and called back. Got someone else who transferred me to a dip. After 22.15 minutes I was connected to a supervisor. The supervisor told me the part was on back order and he didn't know when the part would be in. He said I could go to the store and return the dryer.s
I explained enough. You have the store come pick up this fxxxing dryer and I will purchase else where.
I explained I am not spending another dime on this dryer. You have the store come pick it up. Suddenly he can't help me and I am transferred to the customer care blue ribbon team. Spoke to that representative who said I can understand your frustration and will not take what you say personally. At this point I am so angry I am shaking. She then said my case worker will need to contact the store. I said the store is not answering her and when she calls the don't answer their phone.
I am out of characters and unable to post more.