I live in east Charlotte, and I shop at the Healthy Home Market on Independence at least 3 times a month, so I know that store quite well. A friend took me to the one on South Boulevard last month, and I did NOT like that store! The main reason I did not like it was the sales staff! Not knowing the layout of this store I had to ask where certain products were located. And my friend doesn't frequent any of them, so she too, was having diffiuclty finding things she needed. EVERY clerk we approached acted like they didn't know much more than we did and futhermore didn't CARE that they didn't know much about what they sold, where it was located, and if they were going to get more of the products that were sold out! I said multiple times that I would NOT come to this store again! The staff at the Independence HHM doesn't set the world on fire with exuberance either, but next to this bunch, they all need to win customer service awards! (I have a suggestion-let's KEEP the name Healthy Home Market for the South Boulevard location and return the name of Home Economist to the one on Independence Blvd!)