| - Wanted to give my review from a person who has worked for this owner. It has been a few years but if the owner is still a Guyanese Man then this is still relevant to anyone who wants to work for this man.
He will offer to pay you cash on an hourly basis but hold back 4 weeks worth of work and what your job description is to clean the washrooms, busing tables, make the caffeinated drinks (lattes, teas, coffees, etc), handle take out orders, and serving 26+ tables on your own. Might I add, if it gets busy, then you might have to help out with any deserts orders.
I was extremely over worked and my customers saw this, I would be hustling up and down the restaurant and since I was working for Tips, every single table was at risk for tips since I was spread out too thin. To top it off, I had to share my tips with everyone and the funny thing is, that everyone is just 1 person which is the owner himself. The way the tips are split is a percentage of my entire dollar amount that is swiped through my card. What I found unfair is that if I happen to take care of all the take out orders, it would be a percentage of those orders as well even though there were no tips (I never expected any take out clients to tip me since there was no service being offered)
If you are someone who wants to work for this owner, beware, he will try to cheat you and if you manage to let him hold 4 weeks pay over your head, he will leverage that to get what he wants from you.