| - Moon Valley Nurseries used to my favorite and most trusted garden and plant experts. I thought I could count on them to get the job done and help me in areas where they were the experts. Our current home is in desperate need of a facelift in terms of curb appeal and I would love to have a proper garden that is easy to maintain (back and front) and looks great.
I had been to Moon Valley Nurseries previously for things here and there, and was finally ready to take the plunge and figure out how to start with a landscaping project. I reached out to Moon Valley Nurseries on their chat client and was put in touch with Kyle who is apparently (you will see why I say apparently later) the Digital Nursery Pro & Customer Service Rep. He said he needed more details and would be happy to provide me with pricing on the items I was looking for and provided me with his e-mail. I took the time to write a detailed e-mail with everything we had discussed online (complete with pictures and measurements), and made sure to send it the same day so the conversation would be fresh in his mind.
10 days passed and I heard nothing from Kyle, I sent a message asking if he received my e-mail and he advised he had and claimed the previous messages went to his spam. Kyle's response was brief, uninformative, and generic - he didn't answer a thing and I was no further ahead then, than 10 days prior. I responded the very next day, asking Kyle if he got my full e-mail as it seemed my questions weren't answered, and asked if he could take the time to provide me with further details. I waited and waited and never heard a thing again. So much for being a customer service representative.
On August 10th 2017 I filled out the contact us form on the Moon Valley Nurseries website, asking for some assistance. I indicated I was dealing with Kyle previously, but he never got back to me and I would really appreciate if they could put me in touch with someone who could answer my questions. I indicated I was hoping to work with them for my landscaping project, and without any help I can't exactly do so. I also expressed how disappointing and frustrating the process has been so far. Again I heard nothing back and the site clearly showed my inquiry went through.
On August 24th 2017 I noticed a survey on the Moon Valley Nurseries website, and I filled it out because I figured this lack of service was not right - I expressed my frustration again and provided them with details on my experience thus so far. I was hoping this information would allow them to correct a major customer service error that I and others may be experiencing. Clearly there is something not right with their approach to customer service and getting landscaping projects off the ground.
On August 25th 2017 a miracle happened, I heard from Sam the Online Nursery manager who asked how he could help and what questions I had. I forwarded my previous e-mail chain from Kyle to him - because quite frankly I wasn't going to re-write the whole thing. I asked him to review it and if he could provide me with the answers I had been waiting for. Sam and I sent a couple of e-mails back and forth a week ago and said he would like to stop by and take a look at the property to get some ideas and assist me better. He asked for my address to help coordinate a date, to which I provided and again I heard nothing more.
I have to say at this point I am really tired of chasing after people to even get basic information or get a plan together for landscaping my yard (not to mention all the missed deals and promotions that have passed over time). As a customer looking for help, I shouldn't be the one doing all the follow up and chasing after people here. I can say if I was Sam handling my file, I would make sure the customer was taken care of and not let the lack of communication that happened previously happen again.
For a company that claims that their professionals will help create a landscaped yard and you won't have to lift a finger, this has yet to be seen. On their about page they boast about their customer service, but I have experienced everything but. There just aren't enough excuses for why two representatives never got back to me, and why I never received a response from the contact us page inquiry on August 10th. I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in Moon Valley Nurseries and there is no excuse for neglecting a customer like this. I have done everything in my control to correct this matter, and been very patient.
I would strongly recommend if you do not want an exercise in futility like I had, that you look elsewhere for committed and customer service centric professional landscapers.