I went by Creamisty on my lunch break for a tasty treat but got a boring tasteless cup of semi frozen cream. I'm really into green tea ice cream and when I saw they had it I abandoning all my work responsibilities and made a b-line to Creamistry as it was right across the street from where I work. I get there and there 1 guy at the register and 1 guy making ice cream and about 10 people in the store. Call me crazy but 1 guy can make all that by himself so they're setting themselves up to fail. After everyone's order was placed the guy at the register started to help make the ice cream but the speed was still just as slow. Have you ever seen a sloth? Yeah....that's how slow it was! It took about 20-25 minutes to get my ice cream. I hadn't planned to be gone THAT long so I booked it outta here so soon as I grab my cup without testing my ice cream but at first glance I should of known. It wasn't even green! It was half melted already! I ate a spoonful and it tasted like nothing. I paid $6.42 (regular-no extras added) for cold cream in a cup. Probably wont go back. I can get a pint of Ben & Jerry's for less than that and those guys have never let me down!