Title boxing is a large fitness gym that recently opened in Highland Hts. The gym is spacious, clean and bright. There is an initiation fee as well as an auto debit to a credit card or checking account. The monthly fee is reasonable the initiation fee comes with some work out equipment for use in classes. Overall the initiation fee is high and the equipment provided with the fee is below average in quality. The works outs focus on boxing, kick boxing and cardio training.
The staff is motivational, pleasant and upbeat. Everyone I encountered has been professional and polite. The gym is great for a high calorie, energetic, cardiovascular workout in a group setting although "one on ones" are available (personal training).
If a high energy workout is what you are looking for this may be your place. If you want to learn the skills of boxing or kick boxing you'll need to look elsewhere. If you have trained at a boxing, MMA, or kick boxing gym this is not for you. It's for the casual cardio working. Will it burn calories? Sure will. Get you to the UFC? No, but that's not really there target audience. So overall for the money I'd go to a gym with better instruction so you can actually learn the skills of the sport while getting a great work out in.
AS far as good for kids, I'd say yes for a fun workout but for skills, again no.