Charges are outrageous!!! They charge $3 per email you forward to them for printing plus .15c per black and white copy. I was just there to print 4 Amazon return labels which come in separate emails so my bill would have been $12 plus 8 b&w copies. I asked when I first got there how I could print these and they suggested the email forward to them. I've done this before at other locations and have never been charged this outrageous price so I didn't think to ask how much. The prints I understand but an email doesn't cost them a thing!!! When I asked why my bill was so high he explained the $3 dollar per email charge and continued to inform me that he was actually only charging me for 2 emails plus the copies! Thanks for the discount. He did seem nice so if you can spend $12+ for 8 b&w copies go see them. I will be doing my UPS services elsewhere.