| - I was referred to Dr.Bebeau from a dentist at Sonoran Dentist in North Scottsdale. My wisdom teeth were finally ready to come out, a few weeks prior I had severe pain while eating. I saw a dentist and after a cleaning and x-rays was referred to Dr.Beabeau's office. Sandy always joy scheduled me in that same day. Took another x-ray and immediately saw the doctor. He was very young looking yet I was comforted with his knowledge of dentistry, he seemed nurturing and full of warmth. I have never had braces, a broken or fractured bone, nothing of the sort. I was anxious at first however I knew in reality I was in excellent hands. Everyone working there makes you feel like an old friend you haven't seen in a while, lots of laughs and smiles. Dr.Bebeau and his assistance are so uplifting to be around, in all honesty they make coming there like coming to the comedy club. They are goof balls in the most professional sense, a great team with positive vibes all around.
As far as the proceedure, I was shocked as to how great it went. Friends and co-workers all talked of horror stories when they got their wisdom teeth out. What actually happened was not at all what I expected. Woke up from anesthesia just as they were finishing up, no giggles, no crying, felt a lil weird and quiet but not like super drugged like people had dipicted. Came out in a wheelchair his assistant who is the sweetest lady right there by my side until we said we were fine. Even Dr.Beabeau walked out with us saying bye making sure everything was okay. Mouth full of blood and gauze and some tightness in my jaw, couldn't hardly move it. Recovery seemed like a breeze. Yes eating or rather swallowing my liquid diet sucked, hangry alot but honestly not a horrible experience. After I came home the doctor left me a voicemail letting me know if I had an emergency to call his cell, that was very comforting given I was down 4 teeth and had gone thru my first surgery. Had my 2nd follow up appointment and I have got to say if you need any dental work please give them a call, you will not regret it. He's the only doctor in the office so depending sometimes you wait 15 -20, but trust me you are in the best of hands. I will always come here for any work I may need or questions related. A wonderful, professional, fun filled, wholesome experience.
Thanks guys you all made my experience something to smile back on esp since my teeth are looking and feeling great :)
Don't believe me, well just stay tuned...
When u feel that pain
and your teeth gotta go
skip on down to see Dr bebeau
open up the door what do you see
the loving smile of miss sandy
a sight to be seen an office so clean
U take a quick seat to take it all in
door swings open doc for the win
Lay right down these teeth gotta go
dr b stays cool its time for the show
U feel no pain its hard to explain
Dr b has skills that can't be tamed
if you wanna know the truth I'll tell ya now visit Dr b and you'll say wow
this is the story, its all true
so stop on by docs waitin for you.