| - "Good Food on Montford" is a pretty decent name for this place. "Pretty Good Food on Montford" must have been in the running as well.
I skipped lunch and ended up here early. But barely early enough. The wait here is ridiculous, I have found. We got there about 15-20 minutes after they opened and there was an hour wait. We ate at the bar, which was not a particularly bad place to eat, until later in the meal when other people waiting are ordering drinks over top of you.
Things I recall getting off of the menu:
Charcuterie: Chicken liver was good. Generally pretty average.
Potabella Mushroom Soup: Good, but about what you would expect.
Parmesan Gnocchi: Ridiculously great food with some wonderful duck. The best thing I had there.
Vietnamese Stuffed Quail: This should not last too long on the menu. It sounds great, but was so over-fried it may as well have been chicken.
Korean Beef: It was OK. You probably should not order it, even if you love Korean beef.
Seared Scallops: Not bad. I'm not a scallop fan, but this was pretty good. Once of the better things.
I think I got something else... but realistically, the Parmesan Gnocchi with duck was the only very memorable thing. The drinks were good, but for $160 for two people (after tip), all I thought was I have had better meals for quite less around Charlotte.
A little difficult to say if Asheville has destroyed my food expectations or not, but out of at least six things I tasted off of the menu, I only found one really good item. Other items were good, but were generally about as good as places half the price.