| - I moved to Vegas when I was 32 weeks along. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to find a midwife that I loved. I interviewed several midwives around town and attended an open house at Well Rounded Mama. I was very impressed with WRM and all they had to offer. But after interviewing a few midwives there I still couldn't find "the one". They were all really sweet and lovely and more than qualified, but it was really important to me to find a midwife whose personality would just "click" with mine. Upon further research I discovered Tiffanie Gonzales. I felt like the clouds parted and the angels sang! After being in the same room with her for 1min I just knew she was the one. Aside from her being super experienced and more than qualified, I just really loved HER. Her energy, personality, she was exactly what I wanted. Extremely confident but extremely humble. Super sweet and down to earth. Gentle. Spiritual. And while she's into all things natural, she doesn't give off that "hippie" vibe (I mean absolutely no offense to those that do!) so she gives you that feeling like she's really grounded. She's methodical and smart. Basically, she was like a mom, a sister, a nurse, a doctor, and a spiritual leader all wrapped into one wonderful person. It's pretty hard to find all those qualities in one person. Because of Tiffanie my first home birth was the most intensely spiritual, beautiful, and empowering experience. I was pretty nervous because I felt like I had no idea what I was doing, but she was so perfect with empowering me to know that my body was designed to give birth. She gently taught me follow my heart and listen to my body and it was amazing. I really can't say enough about her, she is just wonderful and if I am blessed with another baby she will be the first person I call. Feel free to message me if you're considering a home birth and wanna hear more of my experience:)