Mothership is great example of how coffee shops have been over-hyped here in Vegas. I've been meaning to check it out now for months after hearing so many people raving about. Considering how mediocre Mothership is, I was surprised to learn that it was created by the same people who run the much better Sunrise Coffee just up the street. The shop itself is very small and minimalist. With only a few small table tops and limited seating its clear the owners do not want this to the type of coffee shop where you can hang out or study in.
The coffee itself is nothing to write home about. The iced vanilla bourbon latte I ordered had too much breve and I couldn't even taste any of the flavor. My friend had ordered the lavender latte and was immediately turned off by overly sweet it was and asked our barista to have it re-made. At about $6 per drink for what was about a 16oz cup I thought it was definitely overpriced.
On the upside they do have an in-house artisan baker which is pretty rare for most coffee shops. Its nice to know they have put some effort into making their own pastries instead of just ordering Carl's Donuts like everyone else. I just wish that they (and many others) would elect to keep their food inside a real display instead of out in the open to collect dust.