A year ago I was decidedly *not* a fan of Cox: I own a TiVo and it was a horrible process to get digital cable service setup for the unit. You need a thing called a cablecard, which is a metal credit card-sized device that inserts inside the unit, and another thing called a tuning adapter so that you get all of the channels in the digital lineup.
However, I upgraded to a TiVo Premiere recently. PAINLESS to pull the card out of the old TiVo, move the tuning adapter - 20 minutes on the phone with Cox and a restart of the TiVo later it was all GOOD. :)
So what to do with the old TiVo? Oh yeah, TV in the bedroom. I tried antenna but the selection is horrible unless you're a jesus-nut... I live just west of Paradise Valley so over the air signals from the mountain south of the airport are somewhat blocked.
This morning I visited the Cox store and was in and out within five minutes. I had a cablecard, a tuning adapter and a splitter - and they threw in a re-usable grocery bag. The call for setup took ten minutes.
This was my second visit to the Cox store in the last couple of months. The other one in June was to return the Cox-branded "Scientific Atlanta/Cisco" boxes that they'd provided "free" for a year with my initial subscription. Absolutely painless to hand them back in.
Like I said, a year ago I had an absolute hate-on for Cox but my opinion has changed completely. They only get four stars because the programming is SO expensive and they fill my mailbox with too much junk mail.