If you're looking for a high quality supply of meats, this is the place to go. In the winter this famer's market is TINY but that doesn't mean that you won't find good things from flowers & baked goods to grass-fed beef, pork and chicken. Baucom's Best http://www.baucomsbest.com/ and Grateful Growers Farm http://www.localharvest.org/farms/M10048 can be found here. We pre-ordered some roasts from Baucom's Best and picked them up from Farmer's Market this morning. They look beautiful! And coming from a girl who was vegetarian for over a decade, that's saying a lot. We are very fortunate to have dedicated people willing to spend cold winter mornings out in a small lot waiting for us to pick up high quality LOCAL food. My friend just read Omnivore's Dilemma (I'm #22 waiting at the library for this book!) and is convinced local is the way to go.
UpcomingWinter Market Dates:
Jan. 5 and 19,
Feb.2 and 16,
March 1, 15 and 29
Hours: 8-10am