| - We really were hoping to find a great sushi place in our area. We have favorites in other cities but yet to find anything here......definitely no place that is open past 9, which is odd for a "big" city.
Gave one star for good food. Wish we would have been given the time to enjoy it..........if not for the bad service experiences, would have given 3 or 4 against others in the area.
We tried this place and really liked the food. The service was ok the first eve. we were there......which was Sunday.
We have been back twice more, once on a Wednesday eve where they are supposed to close at 9:30. We arrived at 8:20 and were informed at 8:50 it was last call. We were hurried through our meal and left by 9:30......
We just returned last eve. which was Saturday eve., their hours state open til 10:00, Friday and Saturday so we decided to give it another try. We arrived at 8:40........after waiting an extra 20 minutes for a wrong appetizer order, we were told at 9:10 that it was nearing last call.......we hadn't even ordered our first rolls yet. The sushi chef was wrapping up items and cleaning........We asked if they were open til 10:00 as posted and showed their hours on website, reluctantly, they said they guessed so.......they don't know when they are "supposed" to close???????
We were hurried through another $80+ meal as they shut down sushi bar and cleaned around us, shut down perimeter lights and then paced back and forth in front of our booth. As soon as we got up to leave, the music was shut off and more lights went off. We left by 9:40.
I understand people want to go home, but shutting down 50 minutes, 30 minutes or 15 minutes prior to listed times while patrons are trying to enjoy a meal is rude. I doubt they would appreciate it when they spend $80 + for a "nice" meal. I'm sure they would expect the same good service when it's their money!
If you want to close at 9:00 or more like 8:00 for them, then post it and do so. I thought restaurants are supposed to take patrons even if they come in minutes before listed/posted close and provide service........good service.....and be happy to do it, or go do something else.....
For people who eat a bit "later," if you go, make sure you will be done with your dinner and walking out the door BEFORE 9:00, no matter the day!!!!!! Their listed hours mean nothing!
3 strikes.........