Outstanding Chinese vegetarian restaurant.
Nothing austere here.
Huge menu.
Enormous servings.
Strongly flavored dishes.
Lots of exotica.
(This is the first time I have seen mock kidney on a menu anywhere. Maybe I have just been too sheltered.)
Interesting personality choices in the execution of dishes.
Hot and Sour soup is made with a part tomato base - a decision which changes everything.
Vegetarian pancakes don't need an ounce of sauce although the sweet and hot sauce that comes with them is not unpleasant.
Plenty of hearty dishes on the menu both in the soup bowl department and in the plate department.
A fun and entertaining place which is good for you too.
Well maybe only half good for you.
After you scarf down all those heaping yummy plates of food, you will get fat.
However, if you get fat from eating vegetables it doesn't count as really being fat, right?