We have tried this particular Coco's previously and it was Abysmal, the food looked like it was straight out of a 'Hungry Man' dinner.. if only it had tasted that good. About a Year later we moved into Coronado neighborhood and because it seemed to have a good sized crowd we gave it another chance. On that particular visit, the food was pretty good and the service wasn't bad for an early supper. On our next two subsequent trips our meal was slow in coming out, overcooked, Yet cold to the touch.
We tried to purchase a 'Pie-of-the-month' On the First day of the month.. It was NOT Available.. and they did not offer any recompense or substitution. We did go once for lunch and it wasn't all bad.. But on the Final Meal there.. we both ordered the prime rib burger and quesadilla appetizer..The burgers came out 30 minutes later, They were grossly overcooked.. Crispy black with Dry DRY DRY prime rib that was falling apart in not a good way. They totally forgot our appetizer.. and the server gave us the excuse.. They couldn't find any Tortillas... Ok.. we live in Phoenix,, There's a Taco shop across the street, Numerous Grocery stores just down the street.. How silly.. They didn't care and when the Manager came out.. He didn't charge us.. but didn't really apologize either.. We shall never be going there again.
The Tables were Grossly dirty on the edges.. carpet is filthy and people just hanging about on their laptops talking loudly and using the wifi.. The Servers seem nice.. but the entire Management seems to Just Not Care.. It Needs a Good Cleaning.. Consistant cooks that know how to Cook and Maybe if Corporate came in and took a hose to everything .. It might have a chance.