| - Dr Peter Ryan was the doctor that did my eye exam....and I don't know who made the glasses, the optician company's name, but This is the first pair of glasses with which I have been able to see perfectly clear without any discomfort at all.
I have had two other eye exams at different centers, one was at highly acclaimed clinic for laser corrective procedure, which I reneged on after Watching their video and reading the waivers and the other was a national company. Both places' glasses gave me piercing headaches, dizziness, or just plain fuzzy vision. I tried to use them for over a week without any improvement. Both places remade them ...but no success. I ended up buying 2 sets of readers at Walgreens for several years, one for distance and one for reading.
A lot of trouble.... always cleaning them and all the mishandling. Crazy,
But I didn't know if it was my fault, not adapting well to bifocals or just bad luck with optometrists or opticians.
I'm so glad I decided to try it one more time....but this time I read many, many customers' reviews first online.
Thank you, thank you, thank you....Hallelujah ! Success at Last !