I had my first and last appointment with Shayne today at 11:30. I arrived really early to browse through hair mags, but they didn't have any, so I told the stylist that was there that I would step out and return at 11:30. She was very friendly. I didn't see Shayne there but when I returned at 11:20, he was working on someone's hair. It looked like a colouring job. At 11:45, he had still not acknowledged me or that I was his appointment. I peeked over at his station, and he was still chatting and doing whatever he was doing. I just decided to cut my losses and leave. How arrogant and rude. What else is an appointment for, if not an appointment? Why wouldn't you acknowledge a new client or any client, for that matter? He could have told me how long he was going to be so I could decide to wait or return, but what's the point of booking one if you're not going to be on time, much less acknowledged?? I would never go back there.