Three young women are in a taxi in Las Vegas. One of them has had a little bit of the drank, and starts talking to the cab driver. He says he's from Ethiopia. The young lady blurts out "You are?! Oh my gosh my friend LOVES Ethiopian food! Are there any good Ethiopian restaurants here?"
So is that offensive? I think it probably is. But good news! The information traveled down to me and when I traveled down to the LV, as the kids call it, I got to go to Abyssinia.
And it was sooooo good. That's four o's, representing how much I ended up losing in Vegas at the card tables after trying this restaurant. I ordered the Misir wot and veggie combo and it was so delicious that it caused my date to start loving Ethiopian food, which previously she thought was only okay.
This is my favorite type of food, and Abyssinia nailed it. Also, the service was kind of bad but I do not care at all. Yum.