This is one of the few McDonald's restaurants in Toronto with a drive-thru. As such, I often end up here as a drunk passenger or, embarassingly, a completely sober driver in need of some nuggets. Don't judge me.
The drive-thru is a throwback to days of yore when they employed two separate windows: one for payment and the other for food delivery. And more than that, it sucks. The angles are treacherous, and if you're in a vehicle larger than a Smart Car, your fenders and paint job are at risk. It's like wearing a greased up wetsuit and clambering through a heating duct. It requires surgical precision to successfully navigate this pick up window, and when I have a violent McCraving I can't be blamed if I blast through a building facade in an SUV.
I highly recommend the hot mustard sauce.
Obligatory Title Pun: McNUGGET of wisdom: walk in instead.
Menu Readability: I find the drive-thru menu really confrontational.
Need to mention: Why do they spell it "thru" and not "through"? How has no one called them on this?
What this place teaches me about myself: I am so glad I don't own a car.