| - This is a weird place to review, but here it goes... lol
The cell phone signal (AT&T) was a little choppy, but they could have a signal scrambler or something...
The line to see the DA stretched well outside the office they had for it... The restricted hours seem to lead to a large volume of people, but I'm not sure if there's anything they could do about it... I was in line for a little less than two hours, but the people in line with me were nice, so it wasn't a bad experience...
I was a little confused about what happened, though... As we were standing in line, two well dressed guys who didn't have nametags or anything came into the area... One of them asked me if I had my ticket, looked at my new registration and scribbled on my ticket... He told me it was dismissed and I could go... I mean, I didn't even get a receipt or anything... I hope he wasn't just some random guy, but I guess I'll find out if I get picked up on a bench warrant or something... lol
The deputies were cordial and more than willing to answer any questions (and I had plenty since I hadn't been down here since jury duty 10 years ago! lol)... They helped me find my way around and get everything in order...
It wasn't a bad time since apparently I just had to show someone my new registration, but I'm just saying... I'm a fan and all, but I don't want to go back... lol