I've had Botox shots in the past to treat migraines, including participation in a 1-1/2 study before the shots were FDA approved. The shots can be effective. It had been about 5 years since the last time and I was willing to try them again at the suggestion of Dr. Pandey, neurologist. Knowing what the shots are like and expecting minimal discomfort, I was shocked at his inept handling of the injections. I have a high tolerance for pain, but not only did each of the shots sting, but I was left with "blue tattoos" and major swelling on my forehead. My scalp and forehead hurt for 3 days thus triggering a massive headache. This doctor needs to practice his technique and show more regard for his patients. I sure won't be returning for a 2nd round.
Additionally, even if you're an established patient and have need of seeing the doctor/PA/NP for an immediate issue, don't expect to get in without a four week wait. There's no concern, no accommodation for patient health unless it fits into their schedule.