| - I don't know how this happened, but I got suckered into tagging along with a girlfriend of mine who was hosting a birthday party for her 2 year old. Oh goody.
I'll be honest, I don't like a lot of 'child noise', so in hindsight, I really should have come up with a better excuse than "Oh...uh... well I have somewhere to be in a couple of hours...".
I clearly made it out alive however, and thank God I did, because now, I have lived to tell you all about it.
This Burger King is BIG, and what I especailly LOVED about it is that they have a kids play area! They have a HUUUGE slide, and an indoor playground for the kidlets to burn off all that energy after having eaten their meals.
The staff was wonderful, INSANELY PATIENT, but I gotta warn you, this place was BU-SY. We did go on a weekend however, and we were taking up half the restaurant, but you gotta time it right so that when you do go, you're not crowded in with everyone and their dog (just a saying).
Overall, I was most impressed with the play space and the staff - who again - were as patient as saints.
A good experience, but you can BET you wont see me there again on a weekend!