I was a huge fan of Sens...checked out Johnny's new location on Central last night. Shochu lounge doesn't yet have a spot on Yelp...but when it does, I guess I'll repost there. The place is beautifully decorated, amazing ambiance whether with friends or on a date. The specialty drink menu is certainly creative and offers an extensive list of vodka infused drinks. However, the bar service was terrible. Bartenders are s l o w...and lack etiquette. When a patron walks in and sits at your bar...for god's sake...greet them, and at least provide them with a drink menu to peruse while you are helping another customer (I'm speaking about the male bartender). Don't let customers fend for a menu. It looks even worse when you only have 3 other people sitting at the bar...drops the quality of the establishment a few notches before you have even tried the food. As a business owner myself, I know the importance of quality customer service.This is a service review, and in no way reflects the quality of the food or drinks. If you experience the same issue...let management know.