Took my friends little daughter here last Saturday for the Christmas lights and I didn't expect this place to be so crowded! I thought there would be more things to do but when I looked around it looked like it was the carousel and train ride to see the lights which you have to pay and get tickets for those rides. They also had a museum which you had to pay separate to get in. It started at 6:30 PM and we got there around 6:15 PM and the line for the train was already SUPER LONG! We rode the carousel first since the line wasn't that bad and the little one seemed to enjoy it and it was actually fun for the adults too! They had Elmo, Cookie Monster, Tigger and Piglet characters hanging around so you can take pictures with them. They also have a little convenient store where you can get coffee or hot coca, ice cream and little snacks. Anyways we decided to go wait in line for the train ride and we were walking over towards the line and the line got even LONGER! It went all the way towards the parking lot (APPROX. wait time 1 hour and 45 min.) I felt like I was in Disneyland waiting for rides, the wait was so longggggg and it was cold, but we were all just telling ourselves it's not for us it's for the little one so she can enjoy it! We were talking to a few parents that were in line and they said they come every year just for the train ride and last year they waited around 2 hours but they said it was worth it for the kids. The train ride was probably the best attraction that they had there, it was about 10 min. long and it was enjoyable (Better than that lame drive through Christmas lights I went to last year in Phoenix). This place had lots of lights and cute little characters, they even had Frozen which was cool since that's the big thing right now. They even had fake snow blowing in the air towards the end. My friends little daughter kept yelling out "Best day everrrrrrrrrrrr!" so I guess she had fun LOL. I don't think I would go to this every year and wait in line for almost 2 hours but it's definitely a place you should come with your kids at least once.