I really enjoyed my visit to this store.
I'm addicted to the peanut M&M's so this was very exciting to me! Ok we all have a favorite color and mine is the orange M&M. So I ran around like a little child looking at all things M&M and in search of the orange M&M. I got a few tee-shirts and it was so much fun. This place is back to back wall to wall M&M's I forget how many floors maybe 3 or 4 we just kept going up and up and up.
If was so fun because on your way up it was just as fun on your way down. I don't know how they do it. But I swear if you see something on your way up well, you see a lot of different other things you didn't see on your way up on your way down. The people who love M&M's are friendly their was no pushing and being unfriendly and I cant wait to return to this location and buy cool stuff to put under my tree for Christmas. The staff are fun and you can tell they love they jobs happy people great shopping and M&M's oh yeah! Five stars from me! Plus a huge must return.