Protection Termite Control was hired by my realtor to complete a termite inspection in June 2016 to complete a home sale in which I was the buyer. This company did a terrible job indicating and returning a clear inspection report stating there were no termites. We have been in the home less than a year (about 9 months now) and discovered in the last month active termites. This is unsettling as the termite inspection came back clear and should not have if the termites are already active. In addition, upon inspecting their warranty, we discovered that Protection Termite Control will not perform a treatment and will only "spot treat" if there are active termites within a year of their inspection. We hired a different company to inspect for termites this month and discovered that there is a significant amount of termite activity that pre-dates our ownership of the home, which means that Protection Termite Control did a terrible and were negligent at their job to clear the home for sale. If we contact Protection Termite Control, all we will get is a spot treatment, which will not eliminate the termite problem, but instead prolong the issues of needing an official treatment. This company should have 1. found the termites and the tubes behind the water softener and water heater and 2. not cleared the home for sale until a full treatment was done before transferring ownership. At this point, we do not want this company involved in our treatment as they are not trustworthy. We are asking for compensation to cover the nearly $700 we have to come up with to treat our home for termites so we can maintain the home's structure. I would never recommend this company to anyone as they are clearly negligent and do not care about performing proper termite inspections.