As pictured, the boys had the Surf and Turf. I had the King Crab and Filet. It was delicious. I was not able to eat all of it...It was great eating the leftovers for breakfast...(Imagine us eating top dollar food of seafood and filet on our hotel beds with nothing but our hands, it was great. The Filet mignon was so tender and juicy...melted in my mouth. The King Crab was a King Crab...biggest legs I ever ate. It was cooked and chilled to perfection. Their Fat @ss....Literally Fat @ssed Lobster was so huge, it was ridiculous to see how big it was. It was Lobster on Steroids! I hate lobster, so I didnt taste it, but my company loved every bite of was disgusting to watch.
The guys ordered a bottle of red wine, twenty rows. It was too dry for me to have a it wasnt a problem for them to finish it themselves. (BF is a big red wine drinker).
I never ate out like that before but it was great for my first time eating high roller style. I only say high roller cause of the price of each item! The only thing that sucked is the presentation...the plate was bare, and you have to order sides la a carte.
If you win big money in Mirage...go spend it on the Filet Mignon at Kokomos and order it meduim rare...So Good!