Cafe Hollywood is the offspring of City Hollywood, which located near Market village down the road. It's the same menu and everything but I like this location better than the Market Village one mainly because it is newer, bigger and more modern. What I do miss from the market village location was the cute comics at each booth.
Cafe Hollywood is bright and better lit with natural lighting. The service is just as fast and welcoming. It is one of the nicer asian cafes. I went in there alone a couple of times and they asked if I wanted to sit at a big table and share but I told them I preferred a booth and she didn't give a judgement sigh or anything like other places would have. She simply asked if it was okay to wait a couple minutes because someone was paying. Pretty good service for an asian restaurant. Other asian places would have rolled their eyes and muttered something in Chinese.
The service is quick, food within 10 minutes. Depending on what you order, you always get your soup within minutes before your meal. I do prefer the milk tea over other places. I like how when you order the cold milk tea they give you the sugar on the side so you can adjust it yourself. Most places mix the sugar into the cold themselves and it's always too sweet for me.
Overall if i was craving a quick Chinese cafe style food I always think of Hollyood first.
The parking here is way better than the market village location for sure.