The lady manager with blonde hair to her shoulders and the older cashier Cheryl with the light colored hair not helpful in any way . Also slow as molasses when checking out .It took me 15 minutes, because the manager with the dark hair that lady was just lazy all the way around.Cheryl and the othe out does her she is just lazy. She acted like she was busy and tiddle taddle around like the line was 5 people deep at Christmas please manager with the dark hair of Burke help out! do not be so LAZY. Come on dark hair lady I wish I would of seen your name . and I was at the register but the cashier Cheryl is extra nice but slow and was talking way much to the customer in front of me for about 5 minutes about nothing but personal B.S. and it holds up the line. Junky looking store, if they would pick up and hang up everything that fell on the floor it would be easier to shop and I would not have to run over clothes and shoes with my scooter, messy store and mean rude working ladies there. No customer service at all! I went back to check this store out again . I bought a pair of jeans for a veeerrrry goood deal so I just up graded my review to 3 stars.A man help me very nice man.