I never knew that getting a gentle burst of wind in my face from a roller derby girl was meant to terrify me, but now I know better. This is one of the most expensive haunted houses in the area, and supposedly the 3rd scariest attraction according to 'Haunt World' Magazine, which is obviously an imprint of the New Yorker. The actors don't seem to have been told exactly what they were supposed to be doing, so there is an element of awkward stumbling upon of looming characters, with the end result being an uncomfortable bit of small talk, to which they respond: "Oh, uh...You'll be dead!"...and then you walk away. After standing in line for two hours, you'll be done with the experience in approximately 4 minutes. I thought maybe we wandered out of an emergency exit, but the crowds that came out behind us seemed equally confused. As hard as it was to believe, we had been royally dicked by the Scarehouse.