This is not my first show in NYC. Radio city is a nice location and it has a good stage.
DON'T read on if you do not want any part to be spoiled. I will be writing about some acts.
This is the first time the singing was in English. But, like every other cirque show I have no idea what they are singing. They had some magic act that gave me 'that was a cool' moments. The trapeze act had some misses. The guy fell to the net because the big muscle guy didn't catch him.
The clowns got a volunteer from the audience and she was not part of the crew. It was another first for me.
The sand drawing lady right after intermission explains everything. During the first half I only knew that he was searching for someone. So, pay attention and see what she draw/paint with sand.
The best was the "bird lady" keep an eye out for her. She doesn't really have an act but is always in the back ground doing something stupid.
I like that fact that the Asian guy from the rope act was smoking right after the show. I tried to get his attention as I walked passed him but he of course ignored me.
I was happy not to see a Chinese contortion act. Almost every cirque show has these ladies or girl bend over backwards for no reason.
I think it's a must see because it was very well done.