Sweet mercy, Wanda's is closing in on me. After successfully thwarting their aromatic attacks every time I walked past of one their three ridiculously proximate locations on Yonge Street, they went and opened a spot a mere waffle's throw from my house. This close to my front lines, it was only a matter of time before I was drawn in by their gentle wafting scent. I succumbed. This location is embedded in the Gardenview market, with access from both the street and inside the grocery store.
Me and my partner-in-cones (hoho), each got scoops of their cookies and creme and triple chocolate Breyers ice cream. It was good, but the sweet waffle cone was even better. If you want to man up, you can get their classic waffle and ice cream combo, but it will cost you 6-7 minutes and at least $5 bucks. Simple add-ons like strawberries will add another $2.50. But Wanda's is fighting a war here folks, and those never run cheap.
Obligatory Title Pun: Don't WAFFLE: succumb!
Menu Readability: I really like the Wanda's waffle typeface. I wonder what it is?
Need to mention: They take debit.
What this place teaches me about myself: I'm gaining 20 lbs. I might as well as well raise that white flag now.