Unfortunately the people that Tom Prince has working for him outweighs his kindness and patience. While interviewing a few Allstate insurance agents closer to my home this agent seemed a little irritated with my business since he is not my Insurance agent. I'm not surprised knowing that while in his office and on the phone with clients he makes faces as if he is exhausted with their questions or concerns about their policy. He text me after I spoke w/one of the girls that know I make my payments in his office saying he goes above & beyond to help me with my policy which is funny because when I make a payment on the 28th my payment is posted the 1st which is after my 10day grace period. Funny right?! He seemed to start acting this way after my divorce with my husband that works at Arbor View maybe because his son plays ball there or did. Unfortunately for Tom Prince i'm taking my policy elsewhere. I feel sorry for the sweet girls that work for him, I really hope he doesn't treat them poorly. Here are the text messages he sent..........
"Tom Prince texts"
No insurance agent in this town will service another persons customer. I have serviced your policy for 3 years and have never been nothing but nice to you, despite you always making payments late or being in cancellation. I have never made a dime off you and did all this work for you for free for years just to have you trash me on Yelp? You are making accusations that are untrue? I saw what's him name once at a football game at Arbor View. My kids have never even gone to Arbor. I don't know him and could care less about him. If you were a customer of mine and felt this way, that would be one thing. But to have me do all the work for another agent without any compensation for years and to then be trashed like this is not acceptable. I just asked you to call your agent and not my office. I can respond and set the record straight on Yelp, but it won't be pleasant as I will tell the truth about your payments coming in on every 28th of the month wish is your ten day grace period, not going to Arbor View, not being your agent and not even sure why you keep coming to my office!!!!