Realize going in that Melting Pot is way overpriced because of the food prep. This is supposed to be quality, not quantity. Best way to enjoy Melting Pot is for romantic dessert after a small affordable meal somewhere else. Or with a group for a very special occasion and you know going in that you're dropping $75 per person if you include some alcohol. And you have a lot of time on your hands with said group that you really enjoy, like 4 hours. Which we did the other night, the company was great and we had a good time.
That said, also make sure you have a reservation and don't wait 30 minutes if they don't hit their time like we did. And also make sure you go to the restroom before you leave the house just in case their restrooms back up the the toilets overflow, like what happened to us. And make sure you pace yourself on the cheese portions because if you don't you will make yourself sick and the rest of the meal will be drudgery, especially if you get alcohol at the bar before you've had anything to eat because you had to wait so long for your table.
Other than that - and did I mention it's overpriced? - it was all good. Our server was a great sport with a large group of 16. Felt bad when the pepper grinder broke in his hands and the shards ruined a pot of cheese. But that wasn't his fault. Other than that - we had a good time. Yeah.