If you want to live here, make sure your neighbors aren't jerks. They will make false accusations and make living here a painful experience. The walls are really thin too. My dog moves around in her crate at night so it makes noises but it's not loud to the point where I can't sleep. Per the complaint for noise violation, I was slamming doors really loudly. Management doesn't really do much except file a complaint without confirming anything. I got a complaint saying someone witnessed me letting my dog defecate under the stairwell when I did not. The dog pile was really small - I have a German Shepard and she could probably poop the size of the thing that did it. I understand management can only base complaints off of hearsay but common sense should be used. Next thing i know I'm gonna be accused of stealing things or keying cars. I'm utterly disappointed. Please change your policies around resident complaints. Otherwise, it's pretty okay.