| - Yelps 365 Review Challenge - Los Angeles #5 - #365
Ever since I started listening to Boys II Men back in the 90's, from Cassette tapes, CD's and now iTunes. I've fallen in love with their soft harmonies, acapellas, and NO AUTO TUNE!
Cough* Cough** Brittney Spears...
It's located in the Terry Fator Theater located pass the Mirage elevators, through the mall and near the convention center, phew! That's a good 10 minute exercise just from the casino. The showroom feels very intimate compared to large venues like Celine Dion and there are no bad seats in the house. I grew up listening to Boys II Men in school and till this day they still sound the same, plus, "No Lip Synching!" This shows how much talent they have and aren't fake with some music artist and still value their long term fans. =)
Unfortunately, one of the members has retired (Michael McCary - Due to back problems and personal issues) the group now performs as a trio and has remained strong without the 4th member. They even admit, it's hard to perform some of their songs without Michael McCary, they are still strong in my book.
Throughout their performance, they through some jokes, showed some hilarious Youtube videos of their fans singing their famous songs and passed out roses when they sang their song, "Ill Make Love to You." I'm just glad to have seen Boys II Men before they fully retire and can't wait to see them a second time.
TIP** They allow pictures and video cameras throughout the show!