| - I know what you're saying! "Who in their right mind would give the DMV 5 stars!" But, that is what this place deserves. I have been stalling about renewing my license. But, it is crunch time as it expires in 4 days (July 1st). So, I gathered everything I needed and drove down to the DMV. And, may I add, that today June 28th, is the beginning of a record breaking heatwave.
Anyhow, I put my Birth Certificate, Social Security card, proof of address (in the form of a magazine, just in case I needed it), 2 bottles of water, protein bar and my iPod (with a few movies and a ton of songs) in my backpack and mentally prepared myself for an all days event. You see, I'm originally from Southern California, and you can feel like Tom Hanks' character from "The Terminal" at the DMV's there. It is an eternal event. So, I drove down and got here about 30 minutes before they opened and stood in the line that has already formed. A security guard walked out with the flag folded in his hands and asked everyone to form one line. He raised the flag, and quipped "This is the worst, straight line I have ever seen." It had people laughing. That set a positive mood. Then they opened the doors about 15 minutes early to let everyone get out of the sun. Elderly and handicap first.
Everyone was polite and there was no pushing or arguing. Nice!!! We all stood in a line to get our number and whatever paperwork we needed, then we had a seat. That took all of 5 minutes. As I was filling out my paperwork, my number was called and I told the guy that I wasn't finished and he said, "Give me you old license, social and birth certificate and I'll get the ball rolling while you finish." I finished and he took the application and said you are good to go. I did a quick read of a chart, got my picture taken and off I went.
Done in about 20 minutes. It doesn't get any better than that. It took me longer to get to the DMV then it did to get my license renewed. Great Job!!!